Made a trip to Michigan this weekend and did some performance painting along side my friend and girlfriend's band "The La De Les". This one is from our performace last Saturday at The Strutt coffee house in Kalamazoo.

"We are Flowers"
Watercolor and ink 26 1/2 x 10 3/4
This one is from our performance at The Mix-tape Cafe in Grand Rapids on Monday.

"Technical Difficulties"
Acrylic on Burlap 36 1/2 x 20
I plan on putting both of these up for sale on etsy as soon as I get my paypal straightened out. I'll post a new comment with a link once I have them for sale, the regular paintings wont be for sale until around May once they're bound as an artist book.
this is one of my favorites out of your series. I really feel like it is a hot place with the warm colors and the black colors then at the bottom it really changes and is cool blue with some white.